What Is Business Travel Accident Insurance (BTA)?

What Is Business Travel Accident Insurance (BTA)?

International travel, whether for business or leisure purposes, poses a myriad of risks. Illness, injury, theft, loss of baggage or documents and trip cancellations or delays are all common mishaps that can occur while abroad.

Travel insurance aims to mitigate these risks and help give travelers, and their employers, peace of mind because they are covered if something unexpected were to occur.

What Is Business Travel Accident Insurance?

Business Travel Accident Insurance, also commonly known as BTA, is travel insurance secured by a company to protect their employees while they are traveling abroad for business.

Traveling for business can pose more risks than traveling for leisure, so business travel insurance is specifically tailored to address the unique concerns of business travelers, including coverage for terrorism, kidnap and ransom and emergency evacuation, among many other benefits.

What Does Business Travel Accident Insurance Cover?

Business travel accident coverage can vary from plan to plan, and many plans have coverage options and additional benefits to choose from.

Generally, business travel accident insurance plans can cover:

Comparing business travel accident insurance plans and their benefits can help you find a policy that best fits the needs of your business.

Who Is Business Travel Accident Insurance For?

Any business that requires employees to travel for work should consider business travel accident insurance to protect its employees and financial wellbeing.

Without it, a slip, fall, accident or emergency evacuation of an employee could cost the company hundreds of thousands of dollars or more.

Business travel accident coverage plans reinforce the concept of Duty of Care and help to ensure companies are keeping their workers safe while traveling.

Is Business Travel Accident Coverage Necessary?

Not only does business travel insurance help to protect the financial wellbeing of a business by avoiding massive medical bills and facing potentially expensive lawsuits, it also protects the company's greatest asset: its employees.

Because travel can be so unpredictable, business travel accident insurance helps take the guesswork out of business travel, giving assurance to both the employee and the employer and helping everyone to focus on the purpose of business travel rather than the possible risks.

Where to Purchase Business Travel Accident Insurance

Business travel accident insurance can be purchased easily online through VisitorsCoverage. Compare business travel insurance plans or contact our team of licensed insurance specialists for assistance selecting the right plan for your business needs.