Travel Safety Tips

Traveling With Luggage: Tips and Tricks

Traveling With Luggage: Tips and Tricks

Most individuals who are traveling by airplane typically bring at least one luggage with them. Whether it be as a carry-on or a check-in bag, ensuring that your luggage is packed appropriately and that you take the necessary steps to protect your belongings is vital.

Here are some vital tips and tricks to help you protect your luggage and to have a stress-free vacation.

Keep Important Documents In Carry-On

When you’re traveling, you’d be lost if you misplaced your travel documents, electronics, and other valuables. Be sure to put all of your must-haves in your carry-on bag when you travel. These items may include your passport, itinerary, cell phone, jewelry, and medication.

Baggage Tags or Labels

Label your bag with your name, phone number, and address. Make sure all of this information is up-to-date and that any old, worn tags are removed. This information will come in handy if the airline misplaces your baggage, or if another passenger takes your bag by mistake. These identifiers will be crucial in locating your bags if they are misplaced in transit as well. It’s also a good idea to keep a copy of your contact information and itinerary in plain-sight in your bag in case your luggage tag is lost or damaged.

Keep Your Bag Check-in Receipts

These identifiers will be crucial in locating your bags if they are misplaced. In case of delayed baggage or misplaced baggage during the transit, these receipts will help the airport authorities to trace and hand over the bags to you. It will also help them identify you as the genuine owner of the baggage.

Invest in Quality Luggage

You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on your luggage, but it is a good idea to opt for luggage that is durable and solid, even though you may have to spend a little more. The likelihood that your bag is tossed around, at the airport, is relatively high. Make sure that your zippers close completely and that they are in good condition. The last thing you want is to arrive at your destination and see that some of your belongings are missing because they fell out of your bag.

Pack Wisely

Try not to overload your luggage. This may cause the zippers to give out and burst open during transit. Additionally, if you have any liquid items (within the legal liquid capacity of course), be sure to pack them in a plastic bag—or two—to keep your other items safe and dry in case they spill. To add to this, if you have any articles of clothing that are heavily dyed, you may want to bag those as well in case of cross-dying due to moisture in your bag.

Fragile Items

Don’t hesitate to ask the airline to mark your bag as ‘fragile’ or ‘Handle with Care’,  if you have any fragile goods within your luggage (i.e.: paintings, delicate souvenirs, glass, etc).

Lock Your Bag

Depending on where you’re traveling to and from, you may want to consider locking your bag. This will help prevent theft. Some airlines require that you have a specific lock so that they can easily open it in-case of need for search. Check to make sure before your trip to the airport.

Protect Your Belongings With Travel Insurance

Securing a trip insurance plan for your travels can help protect your luggage in the event of a lost, stolen, or damaged bag.

With travel insurance, you can be reimbursed under certain circumstances for various hiccups with your luggage, included a delayed arrival of a bag.

Have more questions about travel insurance? Learn more through our knowledge center or contact our Customer Success Team for assistance.