Travel Insurance

Does Travel Insurance Cover Your Pets?

Does Travel Insurance Cover Your Pets?

When planning a trip with your furry friends, it’s essential to consider their safety and well-being just as much as your own. One common question pet owners have is, “Can I get travel insurance for my pet?”

The good news is, there are some trip insurance plans and travel medical insurance plans that offer some form of pet coverage that can help keep both you and your pet travel companion covered during your travels.

The Difference Between Travel Medical Insurance and Trip Insurance

Before diving into pet coverage, it’s important to understand the difference between travel medical insurance and trip insurance.

Travel Medical Insurance: This type of insurance covers medical expenses if you fall ill or get injured while traveling. It is primarily designed for medical emergencies and typically does not include coverage for your trip costs in the event of a trip cancellation or interruption.

Trip Insurance: This type of insurance offers coverage for your trip-related costs such as flight or hotel in the event of a covered trip cancellations, interruption, or delay. It can also provide coverage for lost luggage and provide emergency medical coverage.

Travel Insurance for Pets

If you are traveling with a pet, you may want to consider a travel insurance plan that is designed with pet owners in mind. Certain travel insurance plans offer specific benefits that cover pet-related costs under certain circumenstances.

Let’s break down which travel insurance plans offer benefits for pets.

Trip Insurance Plans (Travel Protection)

The following trip insurance plans offer pet benefits.

Generali Standard, Generali Premium, & Generali Preferred

Generali Standard, Generali Premium, and Generali Preferred plans offer the following pet benefits:

  • Pet Return: The insurance provider can arrange for the return of your pet traveling with you to your home if you are unable to take care of your pet due to a medical emergency.
  • Kennel Fees: If your trip is delayed for 10 hours or more, you can be reimbursed for additional pet kennel fees incurred due to the delay.
  • Pet Services Locator: The provider can help travelers find pet-related services during their travels including pet sitters and veterinarians.

iTravelInsured Travel SE & iTravelInsured Travel LX

iTravelInsured Travel SE and iTravelInsured Travel LX offer the following pet benefits:

  • Trip Interruption Coverage for Pet Illness/Death: The insurance provider can provide benefits for incurred trip interruption costs if a pet suffers sickness, injury, or death before your travels.
  • Extended Boarding: The insurance provider can cover the cost of extended boarding if a return trip is delayed for a certain amount of time and you are unable to pick up your pet on time.
  • Pet Kennel Fees: These plans can provide reimbursement for pet kennel fees caused by trip delay.

Atlas Journey Preferred & Atlas Journey Premier

Atlas Journey Preferred and Atlas Journey Premier offer the following pet benefits:

  • Pet Assistance: The insurance provider can help you find pet-related services during your travels.
  • Pet Care Coverage: (As an additional add-on) Provides cancellation coverage for vet care for the death/critical illness of your dog or cat if traveling with you.

Travel Medical Plans

The following travel medical insurance plans offer pet benefits.

Atlas America & Atlas International

Atlas America and Atlas International offer the following pet benefits:

  • Pet Return: The insurance provider can provide reimbursement for the cost of returning your pet back to the terminal of the area of your home when traveling with a pet if you are hospitalized for the treatment of an illness or injury.

How to Find the Right Policy for Traveling with Pets

If you’re traveling with a dog or cat, here are some tips to find the right policy:

  • Check for Pet-Inclusive Benefits: Look for trip insurance plans that offer benefits related to pet travel. The iTravelInsured Travel SE and LX plans are good options to consider.
  • Consult with Our Experts: Our award-winning Customer Success Team at VisitorsCoverage can help you find a plan that meets your needs.
  • Use the VisitorsCoverage Comparison Tool: Our tool allows you to customize your requirements and find the best and most affordable plans for you.

The Importance of Travel Insurance

When traveling, unexpected events can happen. Travel insurance is crucial because it protects you from potential financial burdens caused by medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and other unforeseen incidents. Investing in travel insurance ensures peace of mind and financial security during your travels.

Why Choose VisitorsCoverage?

VisitorsCoverage is dedicated to providing extensive customer education, helping you make the most informed decision when purchasing travel insurance. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • Comprehensive Comparison: Compare top travel insurance policies in one place.
  • Affordable Plans: Find policies that can easily fit into your budget and not break the bank.
  • Customizable Options: Use our comparison tool to find plans that match your specific needs.
  • Expert Support: Reach out to our award-winning Customer Success Team for personalized assistance.

VisitorsCoverage Is Here For You and Your Pets! 

While your travel insurance might not cover your pet’s medical bills directly, there are trip insurance plans that cater to pet owners, ensuring your furry friends are considered during your travels. With VisitorsCoverage, you can find the perfect plan to suit both your and your pet’s needs. If you still have questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Success Team for help.

By investing in travel insurance, you are not only protecting yourself but also ensuring a worry-free travel experience for you and your beloved pets.