Best Health Insurance for Visitors to USA

Best Health Insurance for Visitors to USA
  • US visitors insurance provides medical coverage and other key benefits for those traveling to the United States from abroad.
  • When choosing a US visitors insurance policy, it is important to consider key factors such as health and pre-existing conditions, age, and travel plans.
  • Visitors insurance has two types - comprehensive coverage and limited coverage.
  • Purchasing from a trusted source will ensure that you have reliable customer service and help along every step of the way.
  • US visitors insurance plans come in all shapes and sizes, so you can find a plan that best fits your individual needs and budget.

Whether you’re planning your dream vacation to the United States or simply making the trek abroad to visit loved ones, there’s no doubt that your future US travels will bring excitement and adventure. But before you embark on your journey to the United States, it’s important to consider arguably the most valuable form of protection you can have during your travels - US visitor medical insurance.

Choosing a US visitor medical insurance policy can seem overwhelming considering the many options available. How do you decide which visitor health insurance plan is right for you? The best visitors insurance plan will vary from person to person depending on your travel plans, individual needs, and the benefits you are looking for. Let’s take a deeper dive into how to choose the right US visitors insurance policy.

What Is US Visitors Insurance?

Health insurance for visitors to USA can provide a safeguard for you and your family in the event that you fall ill or become injured unexpectedly during your travels, especially considering the high costs of medical care in the United States.

Without proper coverage, a trip to the hospital in the US can cost thousands of dollars out-of-pocket, which is why a visitors insurance plan is so valuable for travelers.

How to Pick the Best Medical Insurance for US Visitors

When conducting your research for a visitors insurance policy, you’ll likely find that there are tons of plan choices ranging in coverage and benefits from a variety of different insurance companies. In order to select a plan best suited for your needs, it’s important to consider various factors that will help guide you in ultimately choosing the right plan including your age, overall health, pre-existing conditions, and your travel plans.

Health and Pre-existing Conditions

One thing to consider is your current health and any pre-existing conditions that you may have. If you are in poor health or have concerns about your health, a comprehensive plan with good coverage is ideal.

Additionally, some visitors insurance plans offer limited coverage for pre-existing conditions or the acute onset of pre-existing conditions which can be beneficial for those who have certain pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure or other chronic conditions.

Traveler's Age

If you are an older traveler, a comprehensive travel medical insurance plan is typically recommended as these plans offer more extensive coverage compared to a limited plan. While they do have a higher premium, they offer excellent benefits especially for those who are older in age and are at a higher risk for an unexpected injury or illness abroad.

Additionally, if you are purchasing a visitors insurance plan for parents visiting the US, you may want to consider a policy that includes coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Travel Plans

Your travel plans may also influence your US visitors insurance policy decision. Keep in mind the length of your stay and the activities you plan to participate in.

If you are staying in the US for an extended period of time, a comprehensive visitors insurance plan will ensure that you are well protected during your stay.

Comprehensive vs. Limited Coverage

Visitors insurance will typically fall under two categories - comprehensive and limited coverage. Limited coverage plans only offer predetermined coverage and pay a fixed amount for each benefit. Any expenses beyond the fixed amounts are the policyholder’s responsibility to pay out-of-pocket.

Alternatively, a comprehensive plan offers percentage-based coverage after the deductible is met up to the policy maximum, which can help save you from high out-of-pocket costs and give you much more protection than a limited policy.

Customizing Your US Visitors Insurance Policy

In addition to your basic travel insurance policy, you may be able to customize the policy itself or add additional benefits depending on the plan you choose. For example, if you're participating in adrenaline-inducing activities on your vacation, you could add an Adventure Sports Coverage rider to your plan.

You can also add additional coverage for Accidental Death and Dismemberment if you desire higher benefits than what is offered in your plan, if available.

Learn more about travel insurance riders.

Why Purchasing From a Trusted Provider Matters

When you’re ready to purchase your US visitors insurance plan, it’s important to do so through a trusted provider that you can rely on throughout your travels. A reputable provider will offer excellent customer service, help along every step of the way, and an easy platform to allow you to easily manage your plan and file claims.

At VisitorsCoverage, we only offer top-rated travel insurance plans from reliable insurance carriers. We make it simple for travelers like you to research, compare, and buy travel insurance online. Our award-winning Customer Success Team is happy to assist you if you have any concerns or need assistance choosing a policy.

Best Medical Insurance for Visitors to USA

The best medical insurance plans for visitors to the USA are those which offer excellent coverage and benefits to keep you protected abroad. Each plan will vary in coverage offered, so once you decide what level of protection is best for you, you can view the top health insurance plans on the market for visitors to the USA to compare your options and make your selection.

One of the top rated and recommended visitors insurance plans is CoverAmerica-Gold, a comprehensive travel medical insurance plan which offers 100% coverage after the deductible is satisfied and allows easy and affordable access to urgent care and an extensive PPO network.